Portfolio – Music Scoring Services

Carl wrote and produced the Custom Music Score for two short films shown with achievements below. Writing was done based on the script only. If you have a project that needs scoring, and you have a detailed script available, scoring and sound selection can already start before the shooting ! Contact Carl at carl[at]nunurecords.com. Below the two movies, there are two original songs that were used in other short films.
Carl is in the IMDB.

“Back to You” – Epidemic Films


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“Admit One” – Platt Productions

Was selected for the “Best of” screening in the 2011 48HFP San Diego.

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Original Songs (instrumental)

Used in “Full Count” – 48HFP 2011 and Temecula Valley Film Fest 2011

High energy dance track “In My Eyes” used in “Bait” in 48HFP 2012 (Best Title Sequence)