Below some more info…

Show at Lestat’s West will have some other great artists playing too. Music starts at 8pm. Cover fee around $8.
The other shows do not have a cover fee.
Show at Linnaea’s is in two sets of about 45′.
Show at Shell Cafe starts at 6:30pm (Songwriters at Play, till 9:30pm, with Debbie Miller as featured artist; Carl plays a short set around 7:30pm ).
Show at Viento y Agua starts at 7pm with normally three performers till 10pm. Carl plays the middle slot from 8pm-9pm.
Jesse Thomas! I’m surprised myself it took so long to post a video of this upcoming artist. I’ve followed her posts ever since she left her hometown in Kentucky in 2007 to become an actress in LA. From blogging on Myspace to hilarious video posts on YouTube, her talent and drive was there from the beginning. But it wasn’t until she discovered the “rasp” in her voice when she went into the studio with successful producer and talent coach Jim Roach (yes, lame rhyming here) from Red Parade Music that it became clear how truly unique of a talent she was. Great songs, great storytelling and stage presence when she’s performing live. This video gives a very good impression of what she stands for as an artist blending studio quality sounds with the live “vibe” that she brings. Oh yeah, she was Starbucks pick of the week in 2011, played at SXSW, last year her song “Fire” was the iTunes indie download of the week generating over 150,000 downloads and she charted on Bilboard (in three categories) with her album debut. And she opened my CD release show at Lestat’s in 2011. But that was clearly an anomaly.
Belgian singersongwriter in Leuven&San Diego